Tag Archives: otaku

Outbreak Company ~ Review

Outbreak Company ~ Review

“References… references everywhere…!!”

You gotta love it when you’re watching a particular anime series and they reference a series that you love or have seen before. But how often do you come across an anime series that not only refernces the f**k out of every single series ever made; but also the concept of otaku, anime and manga lifestyles itself?? Well, this series right here just happens to do just that… and oh what a way it does it!

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My Thoughts On: Moe

My Thoughts On: Moe

If you’re a regular anime viewer such as myself, you’ve probably heard this phrase being used to describe a character or even be used in the actual anime series that you are watching. Either way, it is a fact that many non-Japanese viewers and fans of anime don’t completely understand the meaning of this word when used in the context of anime and its characters. There are actually two things that inspired me to write this My Thoughts On post; one is the recent review that I wrote on theĀ Lucky StarĀ series in which the word was used in (I also mentioned I would write a My Thoughts On post on the word). The other comes from a close friend of mine who only recently jumped into the world of anime – prior to me recommending a few series, my friends had never heard or watched anime in his life. Since then, he has become a massive fan but could never wrap his head around the context of “moe”. So here you are Jose (that’s his name, by the way), here’s a personal lesson about moe to you (and to whoever is reading this at the present time).

Listen up, Jose!

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